Arabinda Acharya
Professor at the National Defense University, Fort Bragg

Arabinda Acharya teaches at the Joint Special Operations Master of Arts Program, College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University, at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He is also an Adjunct Fellow with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he worked 12 years before moving to the US. He is an Adjunct Faculty, Department of Geopolitics, Manipal University, India, and Deputy Director of the Centre for Peace and Development Studies, India.
Acharya is a past External Research Associate at the York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, University of Toronto, Canada, and Visiting Research Fellow at the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS) Colombo, Sri Lanka, as well as International Scholar in Residence at the Stella Maris College, Madras University, India.
He has published six books and numerous scholarly articles, and is listed in the UN Alliance of Civilizations’ Roster of Experts for expertise on regionalism, human security and terrorism.
He holds a PhD in International Relations from Deakin University, Australia, a Master of Science in Strategic Studies from Nanayang Technological University, Singapore, and a Master of Arts in Political Science and Bachelor of Law from Utkal University, India.